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Drawing Us - 'Life' Drawing with Fran Callen

January 13, 2019

Learn drawing techniques appropriate to 'drawing life from life'. This 3 day workshop will include drawing movement, the figure, and everyday moments.

Exercises include drawing a live model, a 'sketch walk', collaborative sketching and expressive and experimental drawing. So if you want to loosen up, enhance skills, broaden your ideas of what drawing can be, or just 'get back into drawing', this is for you.

 No experience necessary (though it is welcome), just an enthusiasm for drawing.

You may bring what you like to draw on and with, but suggestions include: Black drawing pens (eg. felt tip pens, roller pens, gel pens) of different thicknesses, Extra thick black texta or posca, Two colours of any drawing media (eg. oil pastel, chalk pastel, colour pencil), glue stick, scissors sketchbook, graphite pencils (A1 or A0 paper is recommended).

Duration: 3 days x 6.5 Hours

Class Times: Monday to Wednesday 9:30 - 4:00

Date: 14-16 January

Cost: $350

Click on the link to enrol through TAFESA

'Social Sketching with Fran Callen at the Adelaide Central Market'

November 29, 2018

I'll be teaching a social live-sketching workshop at the Adelaide Central Market...coming up very soon. It will involve coffee, tea, wine and drawing all mixed together, with a focus on Central Market action, fleeting moments, movement, and more. It doesn't matter what you draw like. We will have fun.There will even be cheese.

Date: Friday November 30

Place: Adelaide Central Market

Time: 5:30 - 8:30

Cost: $80

Enrol by the button link to TafeSA below. Or click on the image.

Experimental Botanical Drawing with Fran Callen

17 & 18th January 2018   10:00am-2:30pm

Experimental drawing with botanical subject matter

Explore experimental and expressive drawing techniques with botanical subjects!

This fun, social class will provide opportunities for students to loosen up, discover new approaches, and increase drawing confidence. We will explore a range of exercises designed to remove the pressure of ‘getting it right’, while enhancing and developing drawing skills.

Catering for students of all skill levels, this workshop will provide a balance of technique, self-expression and experimentation. Students will extend their drawing language through the discovery of mark making, line, negative space, tone, texture, and composition, using mixed media.

No pre-requisites required, just an enthusiasm for drawing!

Students can select, bring, and share their botanical subject matter. For example interesting leaves, gumnuts, banksias, sticks (these will also be provided).


Exercises are designed for students to loosen up, take risks, explore and discover new approaches to drawing, and increase drawing confidence.

Link to enrol through TafeSA is below.

Sketchy Class at Bluebird Cafe - Saturday 18th March 2017

Saturday 18 March - 9:30am-11:30am

Loosen up. Broaden your approach to drawing. Build drawing confidence...or just get back into drawing. We will explore experimental approaches to mark making and line  with a focus on drawing life, from life. The funky Blue Bird Coffee Lounge will provide inspiration! Bring drawing pens, pencils, a's fun, social, informative, and packed with drawing action, techniques & exercises. For all skill levels. Contact Fran for more details and a materials list. $40 for 2 hour workshop.


Event Details:

SKETCHYCLASS - ‘ Drawing Life from Life’ at Blue Bird Cafe

Tutor: Fran Callen (B.V.A Hons, B. Ed.)

Dates and times:

Saturday 18 March 2017

9:30 am -11:30 am Blue Bird Café, Light Square, Adelaide

Cost: $40 (pay with cash on the day, or email Fran for alternative payment methods)

Pre Requisites:

No Pre Requisites! Just an enthusiasm for drawing, experimentation, and a desire to develop drawing skills, loosen up, increase ‘drawing-confidence’, or just ‘get back in to drawing’.

Course Description:

Drawing life from life. We will explore experimental techniques, media, surfaces and formats in a social setting. Exercises will focus on skills appropriate for drawing from life and drawing movement. Subject matter will be each other, our surroundings, and surrounding objects, with a possible ‘sketch walk’, time allowing. This fun, social class will provide opportunities for students to loosen up, take risks, discover new approaches, and increase drawing confidence. We will explore a range of experimental exercises designed to remove the pressure of ‘getting it right’, while enhancing and developing drawing skills. Catering for students of all skill levels, this workshop will provide a balance of technique, self-expression and experimentation.


(check with Fran for details as each class is slightly different)

Sketch-book of your choice - preferably with paper that can hold a wash.
Pot of Ink and variety of dipping utensils...
Black roller nib pen / gel pen
Black felt tip pen, fine tip and wider tip – eg. 0.2, 0.4 and 0.9 or larger
Graphite pencil 2B or softer
One coloured drawing media eg. Oil pastel, conte, coloured pencil, watercolour pencil etc.
Glue stick
Found Recycled surfaces (on site)
Found experimental media eg. Sugar, salt, coffee, tea, soil, sand, leaves (on site)
You can also bring any drawing media of your choice eg coloured paper, watercolour paints/pencils whatever you have that you would like to use. Bear in mind we will focus on line, with some attention to negative space using wash and/or collage.

Course Outcomes:

*Increased confidence in drawing
* Loosening Up
* Develop skills in observational drawing & loose expressive/experimental techniques
* Broadened ideas of approaches to drawing & drawing techniques
* Developed skills for sketching movement, quickly from life

What you need to do:

If you are keen to participate please email Fran: so we can confirm a space for you.
Class will be maximum of 8 so let us know as soon as you are able.
Hope to see you there!

You'll be writing and sketching original pieces during this fun workshop! A series of creative exercises, designed for all skill levels, will not only get you writing and drawing, but also responding to the work of others. The workshop will be led by artist Fran Callen and writer Sue Fleming. $60 for 2.5 hours ($20 deposit required). Book in-store at Wunderkammer Gallery or email for online payment options. For a list of materials please contact

Sketchy-Class - Drawing Life from Life - Upcoming dates coming soon

January 03, 2023

SKETCHYCLASS - ‘ Drawing Life from Life’ at Wunderkammer
Tutor: Fran Callen (B.V.A Hons, B. Ed.)

Cost: $40 (pay with cash on the day, or email Fran for alternative payment methods)

Pre Requisites:

No Pre Requisites! Just an enthusiasm for drawing, experimentation, and a desire to develop drawing skills, loosen up, increase ‘drawing-confidence’, or just ‘get back in to drawing’.

Course Description:

Drawing life from life. We will explore experimental techniques, media, surfaces and formats in a social setting. Exercises will focus on skills appropriate for drawing from life and drawing movement. Subject matter will be each other, our surroundings, and surrounding objects, with a possible ‘sketch walk’, time allowing. This fun, social class will provide opportunities for students to loosen up, take risks, discover new approaches, and increase drawing confidence. We will explore a range of experimental exercises designed to remove the pressure of ‘getting it right’, while enhancing and developing drawing skills. Catering for students of all skill levels, this workshop will provide a balance of technique, self-expression and experimentation.


Sketch-book of your choice - preferably with paper that can hold a wash.
Black roller nib pen / gel pen
Black felt tip pen, fine tip and wider tip – eg. 0.2, 0.4 and 0.9 or larger
Graphite pencil 2B or softer
One coloured drawing media eg. Oil pastel, conte, coloured pencil, watercolour pencil etc.
Glue stick
Found Recycled surfaces (on site)
Found experimental media eg. Sugar, salt, coffee, tea, soil, sand, leaves (on site)

You can also bring any drawing media of your choice eg coloured paper, watercolour paints/pencils whatever you have that you would like to use. Bear in mind we will focus on line, with some attention to negative space using wash and/or collage.

Course Outcomes:

*Increased confidence in drawing
* Loosening Up
* Develop skills in observational drawing & loose expressive/experimental techniques
* Broadened ideas of approaches to drawing & drawing techniques
* Developed skills for sketching movement, quickly from life

What you need to do:

If you are keen to participate please email Fran: so we can confirm a space for you.
Class will be maximum of 8 so let us know as soon as you are able.
Hope to see you there!



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